الجمعة، 7 فبراير 2014

Breast Cancer Important Information New ,2014

About Cancer

Is a medical term that covers a wide range of diseases characterized by the growth of abnormal cells that divided without supervision and have the ability to penetrate the tissue and destroy healthy tissue in the body.

Breast Cancer:
 Is a disease scare women more than any other disease . But it may affect men , too, though by much less . But there is cause for optimism and hope.

Is one of the most common cancer among women , which often occurs after the age of fifty , but this does not mean that it may not appear at an early age . Also is possible to the emergence of this disease in men, but by very few compared to women .

One of the main causes of cancer include:

 - The presence of cancer in a Alagherab
- If the pregnancy after the age of 30
- Smoking is a key factor incidence of the disease
- Drinking alcohol , which is also considered a key factor for the disease

Here you summarize the main symptoms of breast cancer :

- The emergence of mass in the breast
- Swelling of the nipple
- Enlargement of eye-catching nipple
- Changed the size of the breast
- Is out secretions from the nipple

Ways to treat breast cancer :

- Early detection of the disease , through periodic disclosure
- In ways that are currently therapy doses of chemical
- And here it shall be noted until the moment of discovery is not a radical solution to the disease

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