الاثنين، 3 فبراير 2014

Breast cancer new 2014,Be warned

Breast cancer
breast tumors are more common in women , and if 90% of them are benign tumors that only 15% of breast tumors are malignant tumors ' cancer ' . In America there are about one hundred and eighty thousand new cases of breast cancer , and more than forty thousand deaths due to this cancer annually . U.S. statistics indicate that one out of every eight or ten women develop breast cancer .

Cause of the disease :

The cause of this cancer is unknown, but there are factors such as :

Genetics .


Eating quality .

Radiation .

Medicines .


There are also factors that increase the possibility of the emergence of this cancer , including:

Progress in life .

Pregnancy after the age of thirty .

Starting menstruation before the age of twelve .

Continuation of the menstrual cycle beyond the age of fifty .

Obesity .

Incidence of breast cancer when relatives.

It has been shown a relationship between breast cancer and other cancers in women, such as cancer of the ovaries , and the fact that 75% of infections with this disease can not be linked to appear in any of the factors mentioned .

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer :

C 1 : Each lady should be fully aware of the form and the size and strength of her nipples and to periodically examine the same month after the end of the menstrual cycle in several days and must review and inform your doctor as soon as the occurrence of any of the following changes :

1 and the presence of a mass in the breast ' usually painless ' .

2 discharge from the nipple , whether mixed with the blood or secretions Yellow ' unmixed blood ' .

3 change in the color of the nipple and skin and the appearance of cracks or shrinkage of the nipple .

4 swelling of the lymph nodes under the armpit .

5 topical breast pain ' even though most tumors are not accompanied by pain .'

What is required ?

A 2: required by the instructions and guidance of health centers and associations specialized in the field of breast tumors as follows:

1 Keep checking yourself regularly every month .

2 Examine your breasts periodically ray once every two years from the age of forty to fifty and then annually thereafter .

3 Choose a center has its doctors specialize as the follow-up treatment with the same doctors they can see the files and compared to X-rays per year and thus can detect any change easily .


1 eat less fat .

2 avoid obesity.

3 foods to eat a lot of fiber .

4 eat a lot of fruits and vegetables .

5 check with your doctor when you see any symptoms of breast satisfactory .

6 of the periodic inspection .

Walking reduces the risk of breast cancer

Scientific American study revealed that the practice of actively walking for an hour or two hours per week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20 per cent for women , and even if they use certain hormones to treat symptoms of menopause. The results of the study are based on the research dealt with the analysis of data on more than 74 thousand women between the ages of 50 to 79 years . The study found that women who engage in physical exercise is limited to a period of time ranging from an hour and a quarter to two and a half week fell proportion of developing breast cancer by 18 per cent compared to the ladies is active . The study results suggest that exercise may reduce the impact of the use of the hormone that can trigger breast cancer , but does not eliminate those effects at all , according to Dr. ' that Mac Taznn ' principal investigator at the Center for Individual Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle chest . The study also demonstrated that the start of exercise Mini at a later age for women is happening the same positive effects as compared with those who engage in sports in the early stages of the ages .

Ways to treat malignant breast tumors

C 3 : Breast cancer treatment varies according to the stage or the degree to which a patient is diagnosed :

1 breast cancer stage I and II.

2 Phase III breast cancer .

3 stage IV breast cancer .

Ways to treat breast cancer stage I and II.

Tumors in these two phases , which usually lessen 5 cm in circumference inside the breast with the possibility of the presence of lymph glands under the armpit , and there are two trends for the treatment of :

The first trend :

1 removal of the tumor and to maintain the breast with removal of lymph nodes under the armpit and giving radiation therapy to the breast .

2 chemotherapy complementary if found cancerous cells lymph nodes or if the patient is in the stage before menopause.

3 given hormone therapy , especially if it found that the selection of tumor cells to hormone receptor positive .

The second trend :

If it was the size of a small breast tumor is large or if the tumor is in an advanced stage topically preferred in these cases mastectomy with lymph nodes from the underarm lymph nodes , even if found cancerous cells give the patient chemotherapy and hormonally and possibly radioactive complement .

Ways to treat the tumor third stage :

This tumor is at an advanced stage topically any tumor size greater than 5 cm or extended to the chest muscles or skin with the possibility of the presence of lymph glands under the armpit . In this case it is necessary to give chemotherapy before any surgical intervention, ' about three sessions ' even younger than the size of the tumor and may be possible in this case lumpectomy and lymph nodes and to maintain the breast and then give the rest of the chemotherapy and radiation and hormonal .

Ways to treat the tumor stage IV:

Tumor at this stage has spread to other parts of the body ' outside the breast ' therapy will often by hormones the tumor if hormone receptor positive or chemotherapy if the hormone receptor -negative , or tumor discards after hormone therapy and sometimes to treat complications of the tumor is localized ' breast ' as the existence of ulcers forced the doctor to intervene surgically or give localized radiation to the breast .

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